N.B. if a link isn’t working please download my backup folder here.
Jazz Scales in 12 Keys by Joe Good
Major scales in a latin feel
Major scales in funky feel
Minor scales in a R&B feel
Minor scales in latin feel
Minor scales on a Dance beat
Whole tones
Warm Ups & Bill Adam routine
Your daily exercises
Staccato & tonguing exercises
W. Fitzenhagen, Op. 28 “Prelude” (in 4 keys)
2 staccato tonguing exercises in several keys
Moto Perpetuo (Wynton Marsalis & Rafael Méndez)
Moto Perpetuo (1st part in various keys)
Mendelssohn – Perpetuum Mobile
More staccato (and endurance) exercises
8 Single Tongue Staccato exercises in various keys
Kayser Etude No.26 in various keys
Kreutzer, Sonata II, Allegretto in various key
Arban & Bach staccato exercises
Arban – Fantaisie and Variations no.1 (var III) in all keys
Arban – Fantaisie and Variations No.1 (adapted for tonguing)
Arban – Fantaisie and Variations No.2 (adapted for tonguing)
Arban – Fantaisie Brillante No.3 (var III) in all keys
Arban – Variations Sur La Tyrolienne No.4 (adapted for tonguing)
Arban – Variations on a song No.5 (adapted for tonguing)
Arban – Caprice and Variations No.8 (var III) in all keys
Arban – Fantaisie and Variations no.9 (var III) in all keys
Arban – Carnaval de Venice No.11 (var II) in all keys
Arban – Variations on “Casta Diva” No.12 (adapted for tonguing)
Arban ex. 29. page 32 (in all keys)
Arban’s “Blue Bells of Scotland” (adapted for tonguing)
Bach BWV592 (double tonguing exercise)
Lip slurs
Chord Studies – major
4 exercise with 2 triads: “2 Triads exercises”
10 “2 Triads Turnaround” exercises
V7 & II-V-I patterns
Coltrane Changes
Clifford Brown licks
Technical studies
The trumpetsolo from “Petrouchka” (Strawinsky) in 12 keys.
High register & Endurance
Kayser – Etudes in various keys
Frans Brüggen “3 Studies for Finger Control”
5 Drill exercises for your Lead Chops
Lead part of “They Can’t Take That Away From Me”
“Upper Register Etudes” by James Stamp
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Arnold Jacobs
Arnold Jacobs almost Live (videos of his masterclass)
Windsongpress (lot’s of links)
Arnold Jacobs Masterclass 1973
“The Evolution of ArnoldJjacobs’s Pedagogical Approach”
Balanced Embouchure
The Balanced Embouchure – Jeff Smiley
Trumpetherald – The Balanced Embouchure
Bill Adam
MSU – Trumpet Student Materials
Craigt Weddell : The Bill Adam Lineage
“A tribute to William Adam” door Robert Baca
Carmine Caruso
Letters from New York : The Carmine Caruso Method
Letters from New York : Carmine Caruso and the six notes
Trumpetherald – Carmine Caruso
Claude Gordon
“K” tongue modified by Claude Gordon
Claude Gordon’s Approach by Jeff Purtle
Some of my favorite Claude Gordon quotes
Donald S. Reinhardt
Trumpetherald – Donald S. Reinhardt
An Introduction to Donald S. Reinhardt’s Pivot System
James Stamp
Mystery to Mastery

More interesting links
LIVmusic (articles of Craig Morris)
The elements of a good embouchure
Excerpts of lessons from Don Jacoby
TPIN – Trumpet Players’ International Network
Pops Trumpet College (Clint McLaughlin)
O.J.’s Trumpet Page (met Maurice Andre, Rafael Mendez)
“Perfecting Your Practice for Peak Performance?” by Mick Hesse
the Tastee Brothers (spelen alles 2 oktaven hoger !!!)
Roddy Trumpet (intervieuws, Cat Anderson trumpet method)
Donavan Bankhead – www.trumpetplayer.net
Eddie Lewis – veel gratis materiaal + boek recensies
videos of Yamaha clinics : click “launch”
Artisthouse Music clinics : click “launch”
Vaughn Nark : The Lead Trumpeter – An Ultimate Interpreter
Vaughn Nark : The Embouchure – The Trumpeter’s Fuel Injector
Jazz Patterns on jazz-sax.com
II-V-I Patterns by Eric Dannewitz (289 pages)
Dominant 7th Resolutions (52 pages)
Exercises for the Jazz Musician (66 pages)
N.B. These exercises are originally written for tenor saxophone, so they could be a bit high… so you could also use them as high register exercises.