This is Etude #3 from the book “Twelve grand studies for flute” written for flute by A.B. Fürstenau. I adapted it for trumpet.
Here 3 duets written by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, the oldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach. The sonatas (Falck 60-62) were written for 2 violas, but I…
Here the upper part from “Das Wohltemperierte Klavier”, BWV871 Prelude No. 2. A nice little excercise for tonguing and finger coördination.
A small video of my arrangement of Happy Birthday, shot behind the scenes on our Poland tour, just for fun…
These 20 etudes are from the book “20 leichte und melodische Lectionen für Flöte” (20 easy and melodic lessons for flute) written by Ernesto Köhler.…
This duet is from the book “20 leichte und melodische Lectionen für Flöte” (20 easy and melodic lessons for flute) written by Ernesto Köhler. I…
Johann Joachim Quantz (1697 – 1773) was a German flutist, flute maker and Baroque music composer. He composed hundreds of flute sonatas and concertos, and…
Fugue in G minor, BWV 578, (popularly known as the Little Fugue), is a piece of organ music written by Johann Sebastian Bach during his…
A transcription of Maurice André’s trumpet part. Telemann wrote the Triosonate in Bb for oboe, violin and basso continuo.
Here 15 exercises written by Ernesto Köhler for flute. I adapted them for the trumpet, which means they are for the advanced player…
Here an advanced etude composed by Pierre Rode for violin (from 12 Etudes for Violin) which I adapted for trumpet en transposed in 4 keys.…
Here are some great jazz solo transcriptions on YouTube: …