1,2,3 Blues! Is a 3-book (+1) course on playing blues changes on trumpet, that includes a special 4th book that is a play-along with a blues rhythm section so you can take everything you have learned and take it into performance mode.
The qPress catalog is the biggest trumpet catalog in the world, and throughout our entire 2000-book collection, there has never been another set of books like these ever produced. Here is how it works:
Volumes 1-3 each consist of 12 blues tunes, between 1 and 2 pages each. These begin with melodies then a written out solo to give you some improvising inspiration. Each tune is complete with chord changes so you can see what is happening harmonically while you play.
The second half of each of these books consists of lead sheets, in concert pitch, that go along with each of the 12 tunes. That means you can hand these off to your pianist, guitar player, or rhythm section so you can start to dive deeper into performing the blues.
The 4th bonus book is a play-along set, complete with backing tracks made by Erik Veldkamp himself. These tunes each start with a melody, then have a solo section with chord symbols so you can try your hand at improving on blues changes in the most popular keys. This is so much fun, you are going to have a blast using these on your own (or in your studio with your students.)