New van Laar trumpet!

My new custom van Laar trumpet just arrived. I asked Yannic Roijen to build me a new horn somewhere in between my other van Laar trumpets (CF, B4, R1) and we came up with this beauty. It has a B4 body and a newly developed bell with a french bead. I have the feeling the bell is more alive compared to other bells. More zinggggg…?

It was great fun and super interesting to sit together with Yannic and start from scratch, testing different bells & leadpipes and solder each piece of the puzzle at the perfect spot.

I have to test it thoroughly this summer with some big band concerts if I made the right choices in the shop, but the trumpet sounds and plays great already so I have a good feeling about it!

Thanks Yannic for all the great work so far and the whole van Laar team for the great service!!!