Here a track from a new project I’m working on (play-along book for trumpet) with some groovy stuff. This one is called “Bring the Bling”…
Here an interesting exercise I wrote for my next book “20 Tone Studies & Vocalises”. The purpose of this exercises is to force you to…
My new duet book is out and published by qPress. The duets are challenging and great fun to play in my opinion, so check them…
I finished a new book with 16 trumpet duets, mainly with waltzes from the Venezuelan guitarist/composer Antonio Lauro, but also a few compositions from Francisco…
Here another demo of a great composition bij Antonio Lauro, this time I recorded it on my Hub van Laar flugelhorn (Oiram Ack van Rooyen).
Here another DEMO of a duet I arranged from a composition of Antonio Lauro, a Venezuelan composer who wrote some nice walzes (for guitar) which…
I recorded a demo today of a duet I arranged yesterday from a composition of Antonio Lauro, a Venezuelan composer who wrote some nice walzes…
How to play a stop chorus the right way… I’m transcribing Nicholas Payton’s album Gumbo Nouveau and today I finished the Wild Man Blues. Here…
Black Friday is on at qPress. At least 25% off everything!!! Just use the code code “blackfriday2019” and you will save 25% off all non-sale…
Horst Fischer was a legendary German trumpet player (1930-1986) who died at 55. Here a transcription of Ciribiribin from 1958.
The Jazz Articulation Big Book
Chet Baker’s “The Pacific Jazz Years” Vols.1-4